REFER to the navigation! ;D
"We strive to build character, develop leadership, teamwork and instill the right values in our students."
Vision: An icon of excellence and the pride of the community.
(Address: 1, Tampines Street 32 Singapore 529283
Tel: 67844583
Fax: 67840453
Email: nass@moe.edu.sg
School Website: http://www.ngeeannsec.edu.sg)
What a peaceful and quiet environment for us to study!
Principal: Mr Adrian Lim Lye Heng
Vice-Principal 1: Ms Tan Ke Xin
Vice-Principal 2: Mr Ng Boon Kiat
Discipline Master:
Leonard Tan (Mr)
School Counsellor:
Sundram Susila Devi (Mrs)
Administration Manager:
Chin Chung Sheng (Mr)
Ng Bee Heng (Miss)
Operation Manager:
Ong Hwee Ann (Mr)
We'll walk hand in hand through the years
with brotherly love and care
Work hard to achieve great heights
in studies and in games
Stormy weather there'll always be
so let us be prepared
Be loyal to country
Contributing to society
Righteousness and Courtesy
we'll abide this golden rule
Ngee Ann our great guard
we give our best to you
Righteousness and Courtesy
we'll abide this golden rule
Excellence in all we do
we'll do it just for you
Oh well, the Pictures are finally done!
thought it's a bit weird.
but, at least there're pictures!
OKAY! yes!!!

Our dear School



NAS International Dance

NAS scouts!

Ngee Ann Secondary School!(old)
Computer Lap!
Classroom Corridoor!

Classroom Block!(new)

NPCC+Scouts+Girl Guides!
We're the fever.
i am Koonyee;
i am Ningxin;
i am Xiaohan;
i am Liqing.
Though we are each one individual,
but we are one team, from 1r5'09.
Tuan Mong School at Tank Road, which is on the fringe of the Central Business District, was the school before Ngee Ann Secondary School was established and was set up in 1906 as a primary school by public-spirited Teochew clan leaders.
As with schools built by the various clan associations in Singapore. Tuan Mong served the education needs of Teochew children, and was staffed by Teochew teachers using the dialect as the medium of instruction in its early days. It later used Mandarin and also English.
In 1953, the Ngee Ann Kongsi took over the management of the school. Two years later, it became known as Tuan Mong High School when secondary levels were included.
In 1960, the old building gave way to a brand new structure at the same site. It made newspaper headlines for its many "firsts".
The new building. built at a cost of about $1 million, was a combination of eastern and western architecture styles. It incorporated modern features with a striking ancient Chinese-styled tiled roof.
It was also installed with the latest communication and broadcast facilities. The school was the first in then Malaya to have a complete built-in two-way public address system with an inter-communication unit attached. This enabled two-way communication between the headmaster and the students.
Tuan Mong also had a "master clock system" which controlled the 48 classrooms, canteens and halls. At set intervals, the central system automatically set off chimes in the various classes to signal the end of a class, recess or the end of a school day.
The school, which took in about 1,900 students in 1960, occupied the three upper floors of the four-storey Teochew Building. The lower floor housed the offices of the Ngee Ann Kongsi and the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan.
In 1980, the Education Ministry posted four English-stream secondary one classes to the school. However, the school closed on December 31, 1994 due to falling enrolment as more schools were built away from the city area and nearer to housing estates where the bulk of Singapore's population lived.
In 1994, the Kongsi set up Ngee Ann Secondary School in Tampines to offer secondary school education to pupils from its feeder primary school.
- CAFE near the main gate
- LIBRARY on the 3rd floor
- CANTEEN behind cafe
- AMPHITHEATRE at new block(to be corrected)
- NEW STAFF ROOM AND GENERAL OFFCE behind basketball court
- NEW HALL on the 3rd level
- NEW BOOK STORE(Popular) behind CAFE
*** wow! Our school is so BRAND NEW!
Uniformed Groups:
- NCC(B)
- Girl Guides(G)
- Scouts(B)
Sports and Games:
- Badminton(B)
- BasketBall(G)
- Volleyball(G)
- Table Tennis(B/G)
- Track and Field(B/G)
- Wushu(B/G)
- Cross Country(B/G)
- Adventure Sports(B/G)
Cultural Activities/Club:
- Concert Band(B/G)
- Chinese Orchestra(B/G) XIAOHAN & NINGXIN HERE!
- Choir(B/G)
- International Dance(B/G)
- English Drama (B/G)
- Guzheng(B/G) LIQING HERE!
- Jam Band(B/G)
Club & Society:
- Multimedia(B/G)
- Info Comm(B/G)
- Art(B/G)
- Horticulture & Enviromental(B/G)